Beta, Binomial, Cauchy, Chi Squared, Discrete Uniform, Erlang, Exponential, Extreme ValueIA, Extreme Value IB, Gamma, Geometric, Hypergeometric, Inverse Gaussian, Inverse Weibull, Johnson SB, Johnson SU, Laplace, Levy, Logarithmic, Logistic, Loglogistic, Lognormal, Negative Binomial, Normal, Pareto, Pearson V, Pearson VI, Poisson, Polya, Power Function, Rayleigh, Triangular, Uniform, Weibull, Zipf.
Descriptive Statistics
Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Variance, Coefficient of Variation, Skewness, Kurtosis.
Graphical Analysis
Density graphs, Distribution Graphs, Survival Graphs, Difference Graphs, Box Plots, Q-Q Plot, P-P Plot, Scatter Plot, Autocorrelation Graphs
Export to Simulation Products
AnyLogic, Arena, AutoMod, Enterprise Dynamics, ExtendSim, MedModel, Micro Saint, Pedestrian Dynamics, ProcessModel, ProModel, Quest, RiskyProject, SimCad, Simio, SIMUL8, Witness
Goodness of Fit Tests
Chi-squared, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling, AICC
Parameter Estimates
Maximum Likelihood, Moments
Distribution Viewer
Visualize distributions with our software. Stat::Fit® includes a distribution viewer which provides visualization of the process as well as distribution shaping for the situation where little data exists. Includes moment matching.
Distribution Percentiles
Retrive percentiles of the distribution. Stat::Fit® includes a distribution viewer which provides any percentile for a distribution given the parameters.
Commercial Updates
If you received Stat::Fit® with another product, such as ProModel, ProcessModel, ExtendSim, or Simul8, please contact their customer support desk for any updates or support issues. The current commercial product is an upgrade from previous versions, but is not tied to the other products.
System Requirements
Windows 7/8/10/11, 1 GHz CPU minimum, 64 MB active memory, 25 MB available storage
Stat::Fit® Commercial is licensed for one person, and one computer with one move to a different computer
Please note that Microsoft Defender erroneously indicates that Stat::Fit® may damage your system. To check, right click on [statfit3xxx.exe], scan with Microsoft Defender. This should say "no threats found". If it does, then click "more info" on the Defender screen. You should see the the file comes from an unknown publisher (Geer Mountain Software), hit "run anyway". That will run the install program for Stat::Fit®. Good to go.